Trip to Rome 2011: more walks today

One thing about Rome is definitely true. It's noisy.

The street outside our hotel window didn't quiet down until 3 am. I got so stressed out about this that I got up and put in earplugs at 24 o'clock. Oh, I just noticed the thing about 3 am because Micke got up and used the toilet. It's loud. Real loud.

Bring earplugs. I guarantee you, they're so worth it.

The sheets in the bed is slightly odd too, because my eyes are itching like crazy because of them. Must be the laundry detergent. Or the fact that the blanket is really dusty. My scout friends will understand when I say I have "Lyan-näsa". My nose is more a running faucet than the faucet in the bathroom. Oh, and about that. I'll tell you later about our claustophobic shower of torture.

But I still like our hotel. Despite the dust. And everything.

We're going for a guided tour today, which will take us from the Spanish stairs, via at least Partenon and then to the restaurant we're gonna lunch at.

But hey, at least the ceiling in our room is nice. And the ceramic plates on the floor are ice cold in the morning. 
