What I'm working on: the Kingfisher quilt

Oh happy day - the borders have been added!

And I think they turned out great. I'm truly amazed by the fact that I - after reading up on color theory and then trying my best while also using an app tool to help - actually managed to create a quilt with a color palette that WORKS!

Even the scrappy fabrics I've used for the hexie flowers work together well. On the overview photo some of them look a bit muted, and some of the oranges are so bright they shine, but close up the effect is much better. 

Oranges, browns and red.

With pink, and some odd greens, light blue and a few yellows.

Writing that down makes it sound like an insane mix. The patterns on the fabrics are also an insane mix: florals, geometrics, polka dots, stripes, pastoral idylls and solids.

Also, and in this I'm thankful for all the comments I got on Instagram for these photos, I noticed that I've chosen autumn colors. Without thinking.


How didn't I see that in the beginning? Oh well, live and learn :)


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I have nothing against you trying to make something similar, or even selling it, but I'd like to get some credit for being your inspiration. Why? Well, because lots of crafts are passed down from person to person, and it feels nice to be able to say "yes, I taught you how to make that".

What I DON*T LIKE is you flat out stealing my photos and my written text. 

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