Apparently, 'people' are forgetting how to cook from scratch...

... at least according to an article posted in todays Hufvudstadsbladet. I tried to find the link for it on, but I couldn't find it except on the pages where you could read the whole web-newspaper. So I'm sorry for breaking copyright and all that, but I'm still posting it here. Sorry, Hbl!

(to read it, click on it!)

See the first and second paragraph? In the first, they're discussing the fact that more and more people buy foodPRODUCTS when shopping, and not food that has to be prepared from scratch. In the second, they're discussing how the availability of ready-made meat has made people forget how to prepare meat (I assumed that they mean everything from choosing the right meat for the dish, cutting it, and finally to prepare it right).

Are we truly going downhill with this? (says the girl who has gone the other way and always wants to prepare everything from scratch...) Are people really not acquiring the skills needed to cook? I suppose you actually CAN live and survive in the our Western world without cooking nowadays (!omg!), and I get that not all are virtuosos in the kitchen, but come on! When you can't make your own meatballs anymore, you buy your fish soup in an plastic bag, and you get your onions and veggies pre-chopped from the freezer....

Apparently, the future in cooking is now.

:::   Written a few hours later:    ::::

And so, because of this (I guess) I'm spending this International Women's Day preparing dinner (with pork chops) for my boyfriend. Just the thing women wasn't supposed to do today, right? Slave away in the kitchen for the men of the family. But I've never made pork chops before, so it's a response to the text above!
