Turku Open Air Market

Turku market square
Mon-Fri   8ish - 17ish
Sat   8ish - 15ish
(Yes, winter to summer, but not on Christmas day or when its more than -25 degrees cold!)
How do I pay:
With cash only!

If you like vegetables, fruits and other green product, and want to buy LOTS for a cheap price.... then visiting the open air market is a great idea. In order to compete with the local stores and keep Turku's market culture alive, the open air market often have more affordable prices for us students (sometimes even 1 euro cheaper/kg).

If you're lucky, you might even find the odd shipment or two of exotic fruits for sale. Salad, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, apples and potatoes are the ones that are always found though. In summer you can find berries, in autumn mushrooms.

The great thing about the market is that at the end of the day the vendors clump together the day-old veggies and fruits into large plastic bags, and sell them for 1 euro/bag. So, if you're lucky,you can find a HUGE bag of tomatoes that are just ripe enough for that Italian tomato sauce you want to make.
