
Showing posts from August, 2019

My sociological pedagogy essay on quilting, på svenska

Y ouTube har ökat intresset för amerikansk lappteknik och kviltning en utbildningssociologisk essä Linnea Grönstrand-Mölsä Juli-Augusti 2019 _________________________________________________________ Innehåll Inledning . 4 Teori 4 Faktapresentation . 6 Resonemang kring ämnet . 7 Sammanfattning och diskussion . 7 Referenser . 9 _________________________________________________________ Ordlista Amerikansk blockteknik         En av delarna inom den traditionella indelningen av lappteknikens fyra områden: amerikansk blockteknik (eng. American block patchwork piecing), engelsk blockteknik (eng. English paper pieceing), blockkonstruktion på en bas (eng. foundation/paper piecing), appliqué-teknik (eng. applique). Block Grunddelen inom traditionell lappteknik; ett block består av delar av (olika) tyger som sytts ihop till en ny helhet, inom alla de fyra områdena av lappteknik. Enligt uppsl...

What I’m working on: handquilting Discovery

My husband took a really good photo of me and our little son, while I was trying to do some handquilting on Discovery. My little one just wanted to sit in mommy's lap, and watch Saturday morning cartoons on daddy's phone at the same time. I think we sat like that for over half an hour. Until he got bored and went to do something else, and I finally could quilt higher up on the frame than just directly in front of me and perhaps 15 cm from the bottom. The kantha stitched stars are coming along, slowly. I am debating how sane I thought this idea is, because it will take such an awful lot of time, but it will never the less look great. My drawn schematic of the star ship Discovery translated quite well into a quilting motif. The scale is just a tiny bit off, because the length of the long engine/warp system "fins" on it's sides. No, I have no idea what to really call them. I'm a biochemist, not a fictional space ship engineer. When yo...

Finished quilt: Bubbles

Quilt details Name of quilt and Recipient: "Bubbles", or to be more precise: "Bubolor", which is how my kids say the word bubblor. for Emma Vikström Size and Timeline 154 x 153 cm (length x height). timeline quilt top started on June 28th and was done on June 29th. quilt was basted on June 30th. machine-quilted with walking foot quilting on August 4th. bound by machine on  Quilt finidhed (thread ends sewn in) on Aug 13th. label appliqued on the quilt top already June 28th and embroidered details were added on August 13th-14th. Pattern and Fabrics used: No pattern, just an idea of cut out fabric circles my daughter could glue to to a background fabric. Which I would then sew down and add borders to. About the fabrics used for the quilt top Background is a natural white fabric that was the largest of those I could find in my stash. I think I got it as a donation from Frida. Every single piece of fabric to make the qui...

My quilting WIPs and UFOs in August 2019

The semi-official theme I've kinda chosen for my focus this year is  hand-sewing . Lots of American bloggers seem hard on having these "words of the year", but I think I'm gonna stick to my "crafting themes of the year" instead ;) ⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟⧟ August was both productive and stressful. There, I've written/said it, and it is true. Between my husband going on a short trip to Turku to meet friends, him going on business trip, the kids being at home because of the summer break from daycare and then us all going to a weekend holiday to Umeå in Sweden....and me trying to get as much preparatory school work and stuff done before September 1st - yeah, stressful at the least. I've been packing moving boxes with stuff for my study apartment i Turku, because I managed to get one. So our home office room is sporting an installation of brown cardboard boxes filled and half-filled. It stresses out my husband far more than me - because I decided I wi...