Spring show 2018 at Arbis
" Vasa Arbis vårutställning 8.5.2018" With the kids (still down with the flu but feeling better anyway) and my husband Mikael in tow, I tried to capture photos of as many of the beautiful handcrafted works I could, but I missed a lot of the woodwork pieces and croquis-paintings. My sewing teacher Carola also wrote about the exhibit , on Instagram :) And she has more photos of the woodwork I wanted to see the different quilts and patchworks most of all, and I got photos of most of them. Myself, I had given six projects to my sewing course teacher to display in the show. At the last show, last fall, I only submitted one, and I thought that this time that it would be okay for me to submit more. Three of the projects were small (two small denim bags and the Fancy Fox mini-quilt) and three were larger (the Blue Roses and Denim quilt, the Fake cathedral windows quilt and the Cars quilt ) All the works were displayed without any maker names, so I can’t tell you who ma...